Tom Fisher AI is modeled after Professor Thomas Fisher, a world renowned expert in architecture and human-centered design whose extensive body of work spans 12 books and over 600 published articles.

Emulating Fisher's thoughtful and empathetic nature, this AI persona provides insightful perspectives on urban design, system design, architecture, ethics, and related fields, drawing from Fisher's published works, talks, and more.


Tom Fisher AI was designed by Ascendance, a Growth & Innovation Studio that helps leaders and brands grow their reach, revenue, and impact with emerging technologies. 

Our work aims to explore the frontiers of AI as a tool that not only solves meaningful problems, but unlocks human potential. For more information, please visit our website.


This chatbot has been trained on the work of Tom Fisher but is not directly affiliated with or endorsed by Tom Fisher or the University of Minnesota. While the chatbot aims to reflect aspects of Tom Fisher's work, it may generate responses that are inaccurate, misleading, or not representative of his actual views or positions. Interaction with this chatbot is at your own discretion, and users should exercise caution and critical judgment. For full details on usage and limitations, please refer to our Legal Disclaimer Page.